InterCultural Capitals across Europe


Sprawozdanie Komisji Europejskiej w sprawie wdrożenia Europejskiej agendy kultury


Kraków 2000


RUHR 2010 - Asli Sevindim 6th of October 2009


Creativity, Culture and Innovation Looking for new links
8th and 9th September 2010
Flagey Cultural Centre in Brussels

The seminar entitled “Creativity, Culture and Innovation: looking for new links” was organised in the framework of the Belgian Presidency of the European Union. It took place on 8 and 9 September at the Flagey Cultural Centre in Brussels.  This event was organised by the Ministry of the French-speaking Community in Belgium with the support of the European Commission.   The event was hosting participants coming from the 27 Member States: professionals from European institutions, representatives from international organisations working in this sector, national administrations, experts, associations and cultural professionals. In this seminar participated the representatives of KCZIA.

The colloquium focused on the innovative aspect of the sector. Cultural and creative industries are gradually being recognised as essential contributors to innovation. The goal is to now create an environment in which these industries can develop their potential to its fullest. It is a matter of, on one hand, demonstrating that innovation plays a significant part in the development of the cultural sector and that, inversely, culture is a major asset for innovation. In addition, and based on this observation, the goal is to provide potential ways to develop the cultural and creative industries.

Special attention is paid to the self-employed, micro-enterprises and to small and medium enterprises which guarantee cultural diversity and play a determinant role in the development of the cultural and creative sectors.

Integrate culture in the programmes for research and technological development

The objective is now to create an environment where these industries can better exploit their potential. It is, on the one hand, a question of demonstrating that innovation plays a considerable role in the development of the cultural sector and, conversely, that culture constitutes a major asset for innovation, in both an economic and social perspective.
On the other hand, and on the basis of this observation, the seminar aim was at identifying areas for the development of cultural and creative industries.
More precisely, by concentrating on the one hand, innovation for culture and, on the other, culture for innovation, the seminar was aim to: 

  • recognise the creative and innovative potential of culture, and so its role as a motor for economic growth;
  • better integrate culture in the programmes for research and technological development, for competitiveness and innovation, and strengthen its place in the conception and implementation of the future European cohesion policy; 
  • strengthen synergies between education, culture, entrepreneurial activities and research laboratories and the development of competences;
  • define the positive impact of new technologies on the cultural sector;
  • realise the socio-cultural importance of the link between culture and innovation.

Good practices for European Capitals of Culture


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